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be wary of the premier; watch for his frown。
少陵野老吞生哭, 春日潜行曲江曲;
江头宫殿锁千门, 细柳新蒲为谁绿?
忆昔霓旌下南苑; 苑中景物生颜色。
昭阳殿里第一人, 同辇随君侍君侧。
辇前才人带弓箭, 白马嚼啮黄金勒。
翻身向天仰射云, 一箭正坠双飞翼。
明眸皓齿今何在? 血污游魂归不得。
清渭东流剑阁深, 去住彼此无消息。
人生有情泪沾臆, 江水江花岂终极?
黄昏胡骑尘满城, 欲往城南望城北。
du fu
a song of sobbing by the river
i am only an old woodsman; whispering a sob;
as i steal like a spring…shadow down the winding river。
。。。since the palaces ashore are sealed by a thousand gates ……
fine willows; new rushes; for whom are you so green?
。。。i remember a cloud of flags that came from the south garden;
and ten thousand colours; heightening one another;
and the kingdoms first lady; from the palace of the bright sun;
attendant on the emperor in his royal chariot;
and the horsemen before them; each with bow and arrows;
and the snowy horses; champing at bits of yellow gold;
and an archer; breast skyward; shooting through the clouds
and felling with one dart a pair of flying birds。
。。。where are those perfect eyes; where are those pearly teeth?
a blood…stained spirit has no home; has nowhere to return。
and clear wei waters running east; through the cleft on dagger… tower trail;
carry neither there nor here any news of her。
people; passionate; are wishing with tears
that she were as eternal as the river and the flowers。
。。。mounted tartars; in the yellow twilight; cloud the town with dust。
i am fleeing south; but i linger…gazing northward toward the throne。
长安城头头白乌, 夜飞延秋门上呼;
又向人家啄大屋, 屋底达官走避胡。
金鞭断折九马死, 骨肉不待同驰驱。
腰下宝玦青珊瑚, 问之不肯道姓名,
已经百日窜荆棘, 身上无有完肌肤。
高帝子孙尽隆准, 龙种自与常人殊。
豺狼在邑龙在野, 王孙善保千金躯。
不敢长语临交衢, 且为王孙立斯须。
昨夜东风吹血腥, 东来橐驼满旧都。
朔方健儿好身手, 昔何勇锐今何愚?
窃闻天子已传位, 圣德北服南单于。
花门剺面请雪耻, 慎勿出口他人狙。
哀哉王孙慎勿疏, 五陵佳气无时无。
du fu
a song of a prince deposed
along the wall of the capital a white…headed crow
flies to the gate where autumn enters and screams there in the night;
then turns again and pecks among the roofs of a tall mansion
whose lord; a mighty mandarin; has fled before the tartars;
with his golden whip now broken; his nine war…horses dead
and his own flesh and bone scattered to the winds。。。。
theres a rare ring of green coral underneath the vest
of a prince at a street…corner; bitterly sobbing;
who has to give a false name to anyone who asks him…
just a poor fellow; hoping for employment。
a hundred days hiding in grasses and thorns
show on his body from head to foot。
but; since their first emperor; all with hooknoses;
these dragons look different from ordinary men。
wolves are in the palace now and dragons are lost in the desert ……
o prince; be very careful of your most sacred person!
i dare not address you long; here by the open road;
nor even to stand beside you for more than these few moments。
last night with the spring…wind there came a smell of blood;
the old capital is full of camels from the east。
our northern warriors are sound enough of body and of hand ……
oh; why so brave in olden times and so craven now?
our emperor; we hear; has given his son the throne
and the southern border…chieftains are loyally inclined
and the huamen and limian tribes are gathering to avenge us。
but still be careful…keep yourself well hidden from the dagger。
unhappy prince; i beg you; be constantly on guard ……
till power blow to your aid from the five imperial tombs。
夫子何为者, 栖栖一代中。
地犹鄹氏邑, 宅即鲁王宫。
叹凤嗟身否, 伤麟怨道穷。
今看两楹奠, 当与梦时同。
tang xunzong
i pass through the lu dukedom
with a sigh and a sacrifice for confucius
o master; how did the world repay
your life of long solicitude? ……
the lords of zou have misprized your land;
and your home has been used as the palace of lu。。。。
you foretold that when phoenixes vanished; your fortunes too would end;
you knew that the captured unicorn would be a sign of the dose of your teaching。。。。
can this sacrifice i watch; here between two temple pillars;
be the selfsame omen of death you dreamed of long ago?
海上生明月, 天涯共此时。
情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。
灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。
不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。
zhang jiuling
looking at the moon
and thinking of one far away
the moon; grown full now over the sea;
brightening the whole of heaven;
brings to separated hearts
the long thoughtfulness of night。。。。
it is no darker though i blow out my candle。
it is no warmer though i put on my coat。
so i leave my message with the moon
and turn to my bed; hoping for dreams。
城阙辅三秦, 风烟望五津。
与君离别意, 同是宦游人。
海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。
无为在歧路, 儿女共沾巾。
wang bo
farewell to vice…prefect du
setting out for his official post in shu
by this wall that surrounds the three qin districts;
through a mist that makes five rivers one;
we bid each other a sad farewell;
we two officials going opposite ways。。。。
and yet; while china holds our friendship;
and heaven remains our neighbourhood;
why should you linger at the fork of the road;
wiping your eyes like a heart…broken child?
余禁所禁垣西,是法厅事也。有古槐数株焉,虽生 意可知,同殷仲文之古树,而听讼斯在,即周召伯 之甘棠。每至夕照低阴,秋蝉疏引,发声幽息,有 切尝闻;岂人心异于曩时,将虫响悲于前听?嗟乎 !声以动容,德以象贤,故洁其身也,禀君子达人 之高行;蜕其皮也,有仙都羽化之灵姿。候时而来 ,顺阴阳之数;应节为变,审藏用之机。有目斯开 ,不以道昏而昧其视;有翼自薄,不以俗厚而易其 真。吟乔树之微风,韵资天纵;饮高秋之坠露,清 畏人知。仆失路艰虞,遭时徽纆,不哀伤而自怨, 未摇落而先衰。闻蟪蛄之流声,悟平反之已奏;见 螳螂之抱影,怯危机之未安。感而缀诗,贻诸知己 。庶情沿物应,哀弱羽之飘零;道寄人知,悯余声 之寂寞。非谓文墨,取代幽忧云尔。
西路蝉声唱, 南冠客思侵。
那堪玄鬓影, 来对白头吟。
露重飞难进, 风多响易沉。
无人信高洁, 谁为表予心。
lo bingwang
a political prisoner listening to a cicada
while the year sinks westward; i hear a cicada
bid me to be resolute here in my cell;
yet it needed the song of those black wings
to break a white…haired prisoners heart。。。。
his flight is heavy through the fog;
his pure voice drowns in the windy world。
who knows if he be singing still? … …
who listens any more to me?
独有宦游人, 偏惊物候新。
云霞出海曙, 梅柳渡江春。
淑气催黄鸟, 晴光转绿苹。
忽闻歌古调, 归思欲沾巾。
du shenyan
on a walk in the early spring
harmonizing a poem by my friend lu
stationed at changzhou
only to wanderers can e
ever new the shock of beauty;
of white cloud and red cloud dawning from the sea;
of spring in the wild…plum and river…willow。。。。
i watch a yellow oriole dart in the warm air;
and a green water… plant reflected by the sun。
suddenly an old song fills
my heart with home; my eyes with tears。
闻道黄龙戍, 频年不解兵。
可怜闺里月, 长在汉家营。
少妇今春意, 良人昨夜情。
谁能将旗鼓, 一为取龙城?
shen quanqi
against the city of the yellow dragon
our troops were sent long years ago;
and girls here watch the same melanchol