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余亦谢时去, 西山鸾鹤群。
chang jian
at wang changlin s retreat
here; beside a clear deep lake;
you live acpanied by clouds;
or soft through the pine the moon arrives
to be your own pure…hearted friend。
you rest under thatch in the shadow of your flowers;
your dewy herbs flourish in their bed of moss。
let me leave the world。 let me alight; like you;
on your western mountain with phoenixes and cranes。
塔势如涌出, 孤高耸天宫;
登临出世界, 磴道盘虚空。
突兀压神州, 峥嵘如鬼工;
四角碍白日, 七层摩苍穹。
下窥指高鸟, 俯听闻惊风。
连山若波涛, 奔凑如朝东。
青槐夹驰道, 宫馆何玲珑?
秋色从西来, 苍然满关中。
五陵北原上, 万古青蒙蒙。
净理了可悟, 胜因夙所宗。
誓将挂冠去, 觉道资无穷。
cen can
ascending the pagoda at the temple of kind
favour with gao shi and xue ju
the pagoda; rising abruptly from earth;
reaches to the very palace of heaven。。。。
climbing; we seem to have left the world behind us;
with the steps we look down on hung from space。
it overtops a holy land
and can only have been built by toil of the spirit。
its four sides darken the bright sun;
its seven stories cut the grey clouds;
birds fly down beyond our sight;
and the rapid wind below our hearing;
mountain…ranges; toward the east;
appear to be curving and flowing like rivers;
far green locust…trees line broad roads
toward clustered palaces and mansions;
colours of autumn; out of the west;
enter advancing through the city;
and northward there lie; in five graveyards;
calm forever under dewy green grass;
those who know lifes final meaning
which all humankind must learn。
。。。henceforth i put my official hat aside。
to find the eternal way is the only happiness。
癸卯岁,西原贼入道州,焚烧杀掠,几尽而 去。明年,贼又攻永州,破邵,不犯此州边 鄙而退,岂力能制敌欤?盖蒙其伤怜而已! 诸史何为忍苦徵敛!故作诗一篇以示官吏。
昔岁逢太平, 山林二十年。
泉源在庭户, 洞壑当门前。
井税有常期, 日晏犹得眠。
忽然遭时变, 数岁亲戎旃。
今来典斯郡, 山夷又纷然。
城小贼不屠, 人贫伤可怜。
是以陷邻境, 此州独见全。
使臣将王命, 岂不如贼焉?
令彼徵敛者, 迫之如火煎。
谁能绝人命? 以作时世贤。
思欲委符节, 引竿自刺船,
将家就鱼麦, 归老江湖边。
yuan jie
to the tax…collectors
after the bandits retreat
in the year kuimao the bandits from xiyuan entered daozhou; set fire; raided; killed; and looted。 the whole district was almost ruined。 the next year the bandits came again and; attacking the neighbouring prefecture; yong; passed this one by。 it was not because we were strong enough to defend ourselves; but; probably; because they pitied us。 and how now can these missioners bear to impose extra taxes? i have written this poem for the collectors information。
i still remember those days of peace ……
twenty years among mountains and forests;
the pure stream running past my yard;
the caves and valleys at my door。
taxes were light and regular then;
and i could sleep soundly and late in the morning…
till suddenly came a sorry change。
。。。for years now i have been serving in the army。
when i began here as an official;
the mountain bandits were rising again;
but the town was so small it was spared by the thieves;
and the people so poor and so pitiable
that all other districts were looted
and this one this time let alone。
。。。do you imperial missioners
mean to be less kind than bandits?
the people you force to pay the poll
are like creatures frying over a fire。
and how can you sacrifice human lives;
just to be known as able collectors? ……
。。。oh; let me fling down my official seal;
let me be a lone fisherman in a small boat
and support my family on fish and wheat
and content my old age with rivers and lakes!
兵卫森画戟, 宴寝凝清香。
海上风雨至, 逍遥池阁凉。
烦痾近消散, 嘉宾复满堂。
自惭居处崇, 未睹斯民康。
理会是非遣, 性达形迹忘。
鲜肥属时禁, 蔬果幸见尝。
俯饮一杯酒, 仰聆金玉章。
神欢体自轻, 意欲淩风翔。
吴中盛文史, 群彦今汪洋。
方知大蕃地, 岂曰财赋强?
wei yingwu
entertaining literary men in my
official residence on a rainy day
outside are insignia; shown in state;
but here are sweet incense…clouds; quietly ours。
wind and rain; ing in from sea;
have cooled this pavilion above the lake
and driven the feverish heat away
from where my eminent guests are gathered。
。。。ashamed though i am of my high position
while people lead unhappy lives;
let us reasonably banish care
and just be friends; enjoying nature。
though we have to go without fish and meat;
there are fruits and vegetables aplenty。
。。。we bow; we take our cups of wine;
we give our attention to beautiful poems。
when the mind is exalted; the body is lightened
and feels as if it could float in the wind。
。。。suzhou is famed as a centre of letters;
and all you writers; ing here;
prove that the name of a great land
is made by better things than wealth。
凄凄去亲爱, 泛泛入烟雾;
归棹洛阳人, 残钟广陵树。
今朝为此别, 何处还相遇?
世事波上舟, 沿洄安得住。
wei yingwu
setting sail on the yangzi
to secretary yuan
wistful; away from my friends and kin;
through mist and fog i float and float
with the sail that bears me toward loyang。
in yangzhou trees linger bell…notes of evening;
marking the day and the place of our parting。。。。
when shall we meet again and where?
。。。destiny is a boat on the waves;
borne to and fro; beyond our will。
今朝郡斋冷, 忽念山中客;
涧底束荆薪, 归来煮白石。
欲持一瓢酒, 远慰风雨夕;
落叶满空山, 何处寻行迹。
wei yingwu
a poem to a taoist hermit
chuanjiao mountain
my office has grown cold today;
and i suddenly think of my mountain friend
gathering firewood down in the valley
or boiling white stones for potatoes in his hut。。。。
i wish i might take him a cup of wine
to cheer him through the evening storm;
but in fallen leaves that have heaped the bare slopes;
how should i ever find his footprints!
客从东方来, 衣上灞陵雨。
问客何为来? 采山因买斧。
冥冥花正开, 扬扬燕新乳。
昨别今已春, 鬓丝生几缕。
wei yingwu
on meeting my friend feng zhu
in the capital
out of the east you visit me;
with the rain of baling still on your clothes;
i ask you what you have e here for;
you say: 〃to buy an ax for cutting wood in the mountains〃
。。。hidden deep in a haze of blossom;
swallow fledglings chirp at ease
as they did when we parted; a year ago。。。。
how grey our temples have grown since them!
落帆逗淮镇, 停舫临孤驿。
浩浩风起波, 冥冥日沈夕。
人归山郭暗, 雁下芦洲白。
独夜忆秦关, 听钟未眠客。
wei yingwu
mooring at twilight in yuyi district
furling my sail near the town of huai;
i find for harbour a little cove
where a sudden breeze whips up the waves。
the sun is growing dim now and sinks in the dusk。
people are ing home。 the bright mountain…peak darkens。
wildgeese fly down to an island of white weeds。
。。。at midnight i think of a northern city…gate;
and i hear a bell tolling between me and sleep。
吏舍跼终年, 出郊旷清曙。
杨柳散和风, 青山澹吾虑。
依丛适自憩, 缘涧还复去。
微雨霭芳原, 春鸠鸣何处?
乐幽心屡止, 遵事迹犹遽;
终罢斯结庐, 慕陶真可庶。
wei yingwu
east of the town