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Paradise Lost Ⅵ-第4章

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nor long shall be our labour; yet ere dawne;

effect shall end our wish。 mean while revive;

abandon fear; to strength and counsel joind

think nothing hard; much less to be despaird。 ' 495 '

he ended; and his words thir drooping chere

enlightnd; and thir languisht hope revivd。

th invention all admird; and each; how hee

to be th inventor missd; so easie it seemd

once found; which yet unfound most would have thought ' 500 '

impossible: yet haply of thy race

in future dayes; if malice should abound;

some one intent on mischief; or inspird

with devlish machination might devise

like instrument to plague the sons of men ' 505 '

for sin; on warr and mutual slaughter bent。


Paradise Lost Ⅵ12

forthwith from councel to the work they flew;

none arguing stood; innumerable hands

were ready; in a moment up they turnd

wide the celestial soile; and saw beneath ' 510 '

th originals of nature in thir crude

conception; sulphurous and nitrous foame

they found; they mingld; and with suttle art;

concocted and adusted they reducd

to blackest grain; and into store conveyd: ' 515 '

part hiddn veins diggd up (nor hath this earth

entrails unlike) of mineral and stone;

whereof to found thir engins and thir balls

of missive ruin; part incentive reed

provide; pernicious with one touch to fire。 ' 520 '

so all ere day…spring; under conscious night

secret they finishd; and in order set;

with silent circumspection unespid。

now when fair morn orient in heavn appeerd

up rose the victor angels; and to arms ' 525 '

the matin trumpet sung: in arms they stood

of golden panoplie; refulgent host;

soon banded; others from the dawning hills

lookd round; and scouts each coast light…armed scoure;

each quarter; to descrie the distant foe; ' 530 '

where lodgd; or whither fled; or if for fight;

in motion or in alt: him soon they met

under spred ensignes moving nigh; in slow

but firm battalion; back with speediest sail

zophiel; of cherubim the swiftest wing; ' 535 '

came flying; and in mid aire aloud thus crid。

arme; warriours; arme for fight; the foe at hand;

whom fled we thought; will save us long pursuit

this day; fear not his flight; so thick a cloud

he es; and settld in his face i see ' 540 '

sad resolution and secure: let each

his adamantine coat gird well; and each

fit well his helme; gripe fast his orbed shield;

born eevn or high; for this day will pour down;

if i conjecture aught; no drizling showr; ' 545 '

but ratling storm of arrows barbd with fire。


Paradise Lost Ⅵ13

so warnd he them aware themselves; and soon

in order; quit of all impediment;

instant without disturb they took allarm;

and onward move embattelld; when behold ' 550 '

not distant far with heavie pace the foe

approaching gross and huge; in hollow cube

training his devilish enginrie; impald

on every side with shaddowing squadrons deep;

to hide the fraud。 at interview both stood ' 555 '

a while; but suddenly at head appeerd

satan: and thus was heard manding loud。

vanguard; to right and left the front unfould;

that all may see who hate us; how we seek

peace and posure; and with open brest ' 560 '

stand readie to receive them; if they like

our overture; and turn not back perverse;

but that i doubt; however witness heaven;

heavn witness thou anon; while we discharge

freely our part; yee who appointed stand ' 565 '

do as you have in charge; and briefly touch

what we propound; and loud that all may hear。

so scoffing in ambiguous words he scarce

had ended; when to right and left the front

divided; and to either flank retird。 ' 570 '

which to our eyes discoverd new and strange;

a triple mounted row of pillars laid

on wheels (for like to pillars most they seemd

or hollowd bodies made of oak or firr

with branches lopt; in wood or mountain felld) ' 575 '

brass; iron; stonie mould; had not thir mouthes

with hideous orifice gapt on us wide;

portending hollow truce; at each behind

a seraph stood; and in his hand a reed

stood waving tipt with fire; while we suspense; ' 580 '

collected stood within our thoughts amusd;

not long; for sudden all at once thir reeds

put forth; and to a narrow vent applid

with nicest touch。 immediate in a flame;

but soon obscurd with smoak; all heavn appeerd; ' 585 '

from those deep throated engins belcht; whose roar

emboweld with outragious noise the air;

and all her entrails tore; disgorging foule

thir devilish glut; chaind thunderbolts and hail

of iron globes; which on the victor host ' 590 '

leveld; with such impetuous furie smote;

that whom they hit; none on thir feet might stand;

though standing else as rocks; but down they fell

by thousands; angel on arch…angel rowld;

the sooner for thir arms; unarmd they might ' 595 '

have easily as spirits evaded swift

by quick contraction or remove; but now

foule dissipation followd and forct rout;

nor servd it to relax thir serried files。 ' 600 '


Paradise Lost Ⅵ14

what should they do? if on they rusht; repulse

repeated; and indecent overthrow

doubld; would render them yet more despisd;

and to thir foes a laughter; for in view

stood rankt of seraphim another row

in posture to displode thir second tire ' 605 '

of thunder: back defeated to return

they worse abhorrd。 satan beheld thir plight;

and to his mates thus in derision calld。

o friends; why e not on these victors proud?

ere while they fierce were ing; and when wee; ' 610 '

to entertain them fair with open front

and brest; (what could we more?) propounded terms

of position; strait they changd thir minds;

flew off; and into strange vagaries fell;

as they would dance; yet for a dance they seemd ' 615 '

somwhat extravagant and wilde; perhaps

for joy of offerd peace: but i suppose

if our proposals once again were heard

we should pel them to a quick result。

to whom thus belial in like gamesom mood; ' 620 '

leader; the terms we sent were terms of weight;

of hard contents; and full of force urgd home;

such as we might perceive amusd them all;

and stumbld many; who receives them right;

had need from head to foot well understand; ' 625 '

not understood; this gift they have besides;

they shew us when our foes walk not upright。

so they among themselves in pleasant veine

stood scoffing; highthnd in thir thoughts beyond

all doubt of victorie; eternal might ' 630 '

to match with thir inventions they presumd

so easie; and of his thunder made a scorn;

and all his host derided; while they stood

a while in trouble; but they stood not long;

rage prompted them at length; and found them arms ' 635 '

against such hellish mischief fit to oppose。


Paradise Lost Ⅵ15

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forthwith (behold the excellence; the power

which god hath in his mighty angels placd)

thir arms away they threw; and to the hills

(for earth hath this variety from heavn ' 640 '

of pleasure situate in hill and dale)

light as the lightning glimps they ran; they flew;

from thir foundations loosning to and fro

they pluckt the seated hills with all thir load;

rocks; waters; woods; and by the shaggie tops ' 645 '

up lifting bore them in thir hands: amaze;

be sure; and terrour seisd the rebel host;

when ing towards them so dread they saw

the bottom of the mountains upward turnd;

till on those cursed engins triple…row ' 650 '

they saw them whelmd; and all thir confidence

under the weight of mountains buried deep;

themselves invaded next; and on thir heads

main promontories flung; which in the air

came shadowing; and opprest whole legions armd; ' 655 '

thir armor helpd thir harm; crusht in and bruisd

into thir substance pent; which wrought them pain

implacable; and many a dolorous groan;

long strugling underneath; ere they could wind

out of such prison; though spirits of purest light; ' 660 '

purest at first; now gross by sinning grown。

the rest in imitation to like armes

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