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Paradise Lost Ⅶ-第3章

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plant of the field; which ere it was in the earth ' 335 '

god made; and every herb; before it grew

on the green stemm; god saw that it was good。


Paradise Lost Ⅶ8

so eevn and morn recorded the third day。

again th almightie spake: let there be lights

high in th expanse of heaven to divide ' 340 '

the day from night; and let them be for signes;

for seasons; and for dayes; and circling years;

and let them be for lights as i ordaine

thir office in the firmament of heavn

to give light on the earth; and it was so。 ' 345 '

and god made two great lights; great for thir use

to man; the greater to have rule by day;

the less by night alterne: and made the starrs;

and set them in the firmament of heavn

to illuminate the earth; and rule the day ' 350 '

in thir vicissitude; and rule the night;

and light from darkness to divide。 god saw;

surveying his great work; that it was good:

for of celestial bodies first the sun

a mightie spheare he framd; unlightsom first; ' 355 '

though of ethereal mould: then formd the moon

globose; and every magnitude of starrs;

and sowd with starrs the heavn thick as a field:

of light by farr the greater part he took;

transplanted from her cloudie shrine; and placd ' 360 '

in the suns orb; made porous to receive

and drink the liquid light; firm to retaine

her gatherd beams; great palace now of light。

hither as to thir fountain other starrs

repairing; in thir goldn urns draw light; ' 365 '

and hence the morning planet guilds her horns;

by tincture or reflection they augment

thir small peculiar; though from human sight

so farr remote; with diminution seen。

first in his east the glorious lamp was seen; ' 370 '

regent of day; and all th horizon round

invested with bright rayes; jocond to run

his longitude through heavns high rode: the gray

dawn; and the pleiades before him dancd

shedding sweet influence: less bright the moon; ' 375 '

but opposite in leveld west was set

his mirror; with full face borrowing her light

from him; for other light she needed none

in that aspect; and still that distance keepes

till night; then in the east her turn she shines; ' 380 '

revolvd on heavns great axle; and her reign

with thousand lesser lights dividual holds;

with thousand thousand starres; that then appeerd

spangling the hemisphere: then first adornd

with thir bright luminaries that set and rose; ' 385 '

glad eevning and glad morn crownd the fourth day。

and god said; let the waters generate

reptil with spawn abundant; living soule:

and let fowle flie above the earth; with wings

displayd on the opn firmament of heavn。 ' 390 '


Paradise Lost Ⅶ9

and god created the great whales; and each

soul living; each that crept; which plenteously

the waters generated by thir kindes;

and every bird of wing after his kinde;

and saw that it was good; and blessd them; saying; ' 395 '

be fruitful; multiply; and in the seas

and lakes and running streams the waters fill;

and let the fowle be multiplyd on the earth。

forthwith the sounds and seas; each creek and bay

with frie innumerable swarme; and shoales ' 400 '

of fish that with thir finns and shining scales

glide under the green wave; in sculles that oft

bank the mid sea: part single or with mate

graze the sea weed thir pasture; and through groves

of coral stray; or sporting with quick glance ' 405 '

show to the sun thir wavd coats dropt with gold;

or in thir pearlie shells at ease; attend

moist nutriment; or under rocks thir food

in jointed armour watch: on smooth the seale;

and bended dolphins play: part huge of bulk ' 410 '

wallowing unweildie; enormous in thir gate

tempest the ocean: there leviathan

hugest of living creatures; on the deep

stretcht like a promontorie sleeps or swimmes;

and seems a moving land; and at his gilles ' 415 '

draws in; and at his trunck spouts out a sea。

mean while the tepid caves; and fens and shoares

thir brood as numerous hatch; from the egg that soon

bursting with kindly rupture forth disclosd

thir callow young; but featherd soon and fledge ' 420 '

they summd thir penns; and soaring th air sublime

with clang despisd the ground; under a cloud

in prospect; there the eagle and the stork

on cliffs and cedar tops thir eyries build:

part loosly wing the region; part more wise ' 425 '

in mon; rangd in figure wedge thir way;

intelligent of seasons; and set forth

thir aierie caravan high over seas

flying; and over lands with mutual wing

easing thir flight; so stears the prudent crane ' 430 '

her annual voiage; born on windes; the aire;

floats; as they pass; fannd with unnumberd plumes:

from branch to branch the smaller birds with song

solacd the woods; and spred thir painted wings

till evn; nor then the solemn nightingal ' 435 '

ceasd warbling; but all night tund her soft layes:

others on silver lakes and rivers bathd

thir downie brest; the swan with arched neck

between her white wings mantling proudly; rowes

her state with oarie feet: yet oft they quit ' 440 '

the dank; and rising on stiff pennons; towre

the mid aereal skie: others on ground

walkd firm; the crested cock whose clarion sounds

the silent hours; and th other whose gay traine

adorns him; colourd with the florid hue ' 445 '

of rainbows and starrie eyes。 the waters thus

with fish replenisht; and the aire; with fowle;

evning and morn solemnizd the fift day。

Paradise Lost Ⅶ10

the sixt; and of creation last arose

with eevning harps and mattin; when god said; ' 450 '

let th earth bring forth soul living in her kinde;

cattel and creeping things; and beast of the earth;

each in their kinde。 the earth obeyd; and strait

opning her fertile woomb teemd at a birth

innumerous living creatures; perfet formes; ' 455 '

limbd and full grown: out of the ground up rose

as from his laire the wilde beast where he wonns

in forrest wilde; in thicket; brake; or den;

among the trees in pairs they rose; they walkd:

the cattel in the fields and meddowes green: ' 460 '

those rare and solitarie; these in flocks

pasturing at once; and in broad herds upsprung。

the grassie clods now calvd; now half appeerd

the tawnie lion; pawing to get free

his hinder parts; then springs as broke from bonds; ' 465 '

and rampant shakes his brinded main; the ounce;

the libbard; and the tyger; as the moale

rising; the crumbld earth above them threw

in hillocks; the swift stag from under ground

bore up his branching head: scarse from his mould ' 470 '

behemoth biggest born of earth upheavd

his vastness: fleect the flocks and bleating rose;

as plants: ambiguous between sea and land

the river horse and scalie crocodile。

at once came forth whatever creeps the ground; ' 475 '

insect or worme; those wavd thir limber fans

for wings; and smallest lineaments exact

in all the liveries dect of summers pride

with spots of gold and purple; azure and green:

these as a line thir long dimension drew; ' 480 '

streaking the ground with sinuous trace; not all

minims of nature; some of serpent kinde

wondrous in length and corpulence involvd

thir snakie foulds; and added wings。 first crept

the parsimonious emmet; provident ' 485 '

of future; in small room large heart enclosd;

pattern of just equalitie perhaps

hereafter; joind in her popular tribes

of monaltie: swarming next appeerd

the female bee that feeds her husband drone ' 490 '

deliciously; and builds her waxen cells

with honey stord: the rest are numberless;

and thou thir natures knowst; & gavst them names;

needless to thee repeated; nor unknown

the serpent suttlst beast of all the field; ' 495 '

of huge extent somtimes; with brazen eyes

and hairie main terrific; though to thee

not noxious; but obedient at thy call。


Paradise Lost Ⅶ11

now heavn in all her glorie shon; and rowld

her motions; as the great first…movers hand ' 500 '

first wheeld thir course; earth in he
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