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Paradise Lost Ⅸ-第4章

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and strength; of courage hautie; and of limb

heroic built; though of terrestrial mould; ' 485 '

foe not informidable; exempt from wound;

i not; so much hath hell debasd; and paine

infeebld me; to what i was in heavn。


Paradise Lost Ⅸ12

shee fair; divinely fair; fit love for gods;

not terrible; though terrour be in love ' 490 '

and beautie; not approacht by stronger hate;

hate stronger; under shew of love well feignd;

the way which to her ruin now i tend。

so spake the enemie of mankind; enclosd

in serpent; inmate bad; and toward eve ' 495 '

addressd his way; not with indented wave;

prone on the ground; as since; but on his reare;

circular base of rising foulds; that tourd

fould above fould a surging maze; his head

crested aloft; and carbuncle his eyes; ' 500 '

with burnisht neck of verdant gold; erect

amidst his circling spires; that on the grass

floted redundant: pleasing was his shape;

and lovely; never since of serpent kind

lovelier; not those that in illyria changd ' 505 '

hermione and cadmus; or the god

in epidaurus; nor to which transformd

ammonian jove; or capitoline was seen;

hee with olympias; this with her who bore

scipio the highth of rome 。 with tract oblique ' 510 '

at first; as one who sought access; but feard

to interrupt; side…long he works his way。

as when a ship by skilful stearsman wrought

nigh rivers mouth or foreland; where the wind

veres oft; as oft so steers; and shifts her saile; ' 515 '

so varied hee; and of his tortuous traine

curld many a wanton wreath in sight of eve;

to lure her eye; shee busied heard the sound

of rusling leaves; but minded not; as usd

to such disport before her through the field; ' 520 '

from every beast; more duteous at her call;

then at circean call the herd disguisd。

hee boulder now; uncalld before her stood;

but as in gaze admiring: oft he bowd

his turret crest; and sleek enameld neck; ' 525 '

fawning; and lickd the ground whereon she trod。

his gentle dumb expression turnd at length

the eye of eve to mark his play; he glad

of her attention gaind; with serpent tongue

organic; or impulse of vocal air; ' 530 '

his fraudulent temptation thus began。

。d xs 

Paradise Lost Ⅸ13

wonder not; sovran mistress; if perhaps

thou canst; who art sole wonder; much less arm

thy looks; the heavn of mildness; with disdain;

displeasd that i approach thee thus; and gaze ' 535 '

insatiate; i thus single; nor have feard

thy awful brow; more awful thus retird。

fairest resemblance of thy maker faire;

thee all things living gaze on; all things thine

by gift; and thy celestial beautie adore ' 540 '

with ravishment beheld; there best beheld

where universally admird; but here

in this enclosure wild; these beasts among;

beholders rude; and shallow to discerne

half what in thee is fair; one man except; ' 545 '

who sees thee? (and what is one?) who shouldst be seen

a goddess among gods; adord and servd

by angels numberless; thy daily train。

so glozd the tempter; and his proem tund;

into the heart of eve his words made way; ' 550 '

though at the voice much marveling; at length

not unamazd she thus in answer spake。

what may this mean? language of man pronounct

by tongue of brute; and human sense exprest?

the first at lest of these i thought denid ' 555 '

to beasts; whom god on thir creation…day

created mute to all articulat sound;

the latter i demurre; for in thir looks

much reason; and in thir actions oft appeers。

thee; serpent; suttlest beast of all the field ' 560 '

i knew; but not with human voice endud;

redouble then this miracle; and say;

how camst thou speakable of mute; and how

to me so friendly grown above the rest

of brutal kind; that daily are in sight? ' 565 '

say; for such wonder claims attention due。

to whom the guileful tempter thus replyd。

empress of this fair world; resplendent eve;

easie to mee it is to tell thee all

what thou mandst and right thou shouldst be obeyd: ' 570 '

i was at first as other beasts that graze

the trodden herb; of abject thoughts and low;

as was my food; nor aught but food discernd

or sex; and apprehended nothing high:

till on a day roaving the field; i chancd ' 575 '

a goodly tree farr distant to behold

loaden with fruit of fairest colours mixt;

ruddie and gold: i nearer drew to gaze;

when from the boughes a savorie odour blown;

grateful to appetite; more pleasd my sense; ' 580 '

then smell of sweetest fenel or the teats

of ewe or goat dropping with milk at eevn;

unsuckt of lamb or kid; that tend thir play。


Paradise Lost Ⅸ14

to satisfie the sharp desire i had

of tasting those fair apples; i resolvd ' 585 '

not to deferr; hunger and thirst at once;

powerful perswaders; quicknd at the scent

of that alluring fruit; urgd me so keene。

about the mossie trunk i wound me soon;

for high from ground the branches would require ' 590 '

thy utmost reach or adams: round the tree

all other beasts that saw; with like desire

longing and envying stood; but could not reach。

amid the tree now got; where plenty hung

tempting so nigh; to pluck and eat my fill ' 595 '

i spard not; for such pleasure till that hour

at feed or fountain never had i found。

sated at length; ere long i might perceave

strange alteration in me; to degree

of reason in my inward powers; and speech ' 600 '

wanted not long; though to this shape retaind。

thenceforth to speculations high or deep

i turnd my thoughts; and with capacious mind

considerd all things visible in heavn;

or earth; or middle; all things fair and good; ' 605 '

but all that fair and good in thy divine

semblance; and in thy beauties heavnly ray

united i beheld; no fair to thine

equivalent or second; which peld

mee thus; though importune perhaps; to e ' 610 '

and gaze; and worship thee of right declard

sovran of creatures; universal dame。

so talkd the spirited sly snake; and eve

yet more amazd unwarie thus replyd。

serpent; thy overpraising leaves in doubt ' 615 '

the vertue of that fruit; in thee first provd:

but say; where grows the tree; from hence how far?

for many are the trees of god that grow

in paradise; and various; yet unknown

to us; in such abundance lies our choice; ' 620 '

as leaves a greater store of fruit untoucht;

still hanging incorruptible; till men

grow up to thir provision; and more hands

help to disburden nature of her bearth。

to whom the wilie adder; blithe and glad。 ' 625 '


Paradise Lost Ⅸ15

empress; the way is readie; and not long;

beyond a row of myrtles; on a flat;

fast by a fountain; one small thicket past

of blowing myrrh and balme; if thou accept

my conduct; i can bring thee thither soon。 ' 630 '

lead then; said eve。 hee leading swiftly rowld

in tangles; and made intricate seem strait;

to mischief swift。 hope elevates; and joy

brightns his crest; as when a wandring fire

pact of unctuous vapor; which the night ' 635 '

condenses; and the cold invirons round;

kindld through agitation to a flame;

which oft; they say; some evil spirit attends

hovering and blazing with delusive light;

misleads th amazd night…wanderer from his way ' 640 '

to boggs and mires; and oft through pond or poole;

there swallowd up and lost; from succour farr。

so glisterd the dire snake; and into fraud

led eve our credulous mother; to the tree

of prohibition; root of all our woe; ' 645 '

which when she saw; thus to her guide she spake。

serpent; we might have spard our ing hither;

fruitless to mee; though fruit be here to excess;

the credit of whose vertue rest with thee;

wondrous indeed; if cause of such effects。 ' 650 '

but of this tree we may not taste nor touch;

god so manded; and left that mand

sole daughter of his voice; the rest; we live

law to our selves; our reason is our law。

to whom the tempter guilefully replid。 ' 655 '

indeed? hath god the
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