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Paradise Lost Ⅻ-第4章

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Paradise Lost Ⅻ13

he ended; and thus adam last replyd。

how soon hath thy prediction; seer blest;

measurd this transient world; the race of time;

till time stand fixt: beyond is all abyss; ' 555 '

eternitie; whose end no eye can reach。

greatly instructed i shall hence depart。

greatly in peace of thought; and have my fill

of knowledge; what this vessel can containe;

beyond which was my folly to aspire。 ' 560 '

henceforth i learne; that to obey is best;

and love with feare the onely god; to walk

as in his presence; ever to observe

his providence; and on him sole depend;

merciful over all his works; with good ' 565 '

still overing evil; and by small

acplishing great things; by things deemd weak

subverting worldly strong; and worldly wise

by simply meek; that suffering for truths sake

is fortitude to highest victorie; ' 570 '

and to the faithful death the gate of life;

taught this by his example whom i now

acknowledge my redeemer ever blest。

to whom thus also th angel last replid:

this having learnt; thou hast attained the summe ' 575 '

of wisdom; hope no higher; though all the starrs

thou knewst by name; and all th ethereal powers;

all secrets of the deep; all natures works;

or works of god in heavn; aire; earth; or sea;

and all the riches of this world enjoydst; ' 580 '

and all the rule; one empire; onely add

deeds to thy knowledge answerable; add faith;

add vertue; patience; temperance; add love;

by name to e calld charitie; the soul

of all the rest: then wilt thou not be loath ' 585 '

to leave this paradise; but shalt possess

a paradise within thee; happier farr。


Paradise Lost Ⅻ14

let us descend now therefore from this top

of speculation; for the hour precise

exacts our parting hence; and see the guards; ' 590 '

by mee encampt on yonder hill; expect

thir motion; at whose front a flaming sword;

in signal of remove; waves fiercely round;

we may no longer stay: go; waken eve;

her also i with gentle dreams have calmd ' 595 '

portending good; and all her spirits posd

to meek submission: thou at season fit

let her with thee partake what thou hast heard;

chiefly what may concern her faith to know;

the great deliverance by her seed to e ' 600 '

(for by the womans seed) on all mankind。

that ye may live; which will be many dayes;

both in one faith unanimous though sad;

with cause for evils past; yet much more cheerd

with meditation on the happie end。 ' 605 '

he ended; and they both descend the hill;

descended; adam to the bowre where eve

lay sleeping ran before; but found her wakt;

and thus with words not sad she him receavd。

whence thou returnst; and whither wentst; i know; ' 610 '

for god is also in sleep; and dreams advise;

which he hath sent propitious; some great good

presaging; since with sorrow and hearts distress

wearied i fell asleep: but now lead on;

in mee is no delay; with thee to goe; ' 615 '

is to stay here; without thee here to stay;

is to go hence unwilling; thou to mee

art all things under heavn; all places thou;

who for my wilful crime art banisht hence。

this further consolation yet secure ' 620 '

i carry hence; though all by mee is lost;

such favour i unworthie am voutsaft;

by mee the promisd seed shall all restore。

so spake our mother eve; and adam heard

well pleasd; but answerd not; for now too nigh ' 625 '

th archangel stood; and from the other hill

to thir fixt station; all in bright array

the cherubim descended; on the ground

gliding meteorous; as evning mist

risn from a river ore the marish glides; ' 630 '

and gathers ground fast at the labourers heel

homeward returning。 high in front advanct;

the brandisht sword of god before them blazd

fierce as a et; which with torrid heat;

and vapour as the libyan air adust; ' 635 '

began to parch that temperate clime; whereat

in either hand the hastning angel caught

our lingring parents; and to th eastern gate

led them direct; and down the cliff as fast

to the subjected plaine; then disappeerd。 ' 640 '

they looking back; all th eastern side beheld

of paradise; so late thir happie seat;

wavd over by that flaming brand; the gate

with dreadful faces throngd and fierie armes:

som natural tears they dropd; but wipd them soon; ' 645 '

the world was all before them; where to choose

thir place of rest; and providence thir guide:

they hand in hand with wandring steps and slow;

through eden took thir solitarie way。

the end


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